Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What would Jesus Do?

If you are like most people, there comes a time when it seems hard to make a choice about what to do. You may be able to sleep on it. The mind still processes information while you sleep. You may have someone you trust enough to ask advice from. You might try comparing the pros and cons.

The above examples may work well for deciding when to get your roof repaired but what about dealing with people or yourself? A person on the other hand can be very complex.

This maybe one of the times when you need to consult the owners manual. B.I.B.L.E.

Now there are some who may have read the manual cover to cover. You can usually spot the type. They are never at home on Sunday mornings and are always going around saying nice things to people. You know the ones.

And then there are some who only open the manual when they need it or perhaps browse through it once in a while like a sears and roebucks catalog. (I have been guilty on both counts.)That may seem OK as long as the manual is always close by and you have the time to look up help when you need it or get in trouble. Of course the preventive maintenance section would not be of much help by then.

Everything important in life comes with a owners manual. Remember that new remote control and how you pushed on this button and that button trying to get it work and thinking "Why did they have to make it so complicated? All I want to do is change the channel." Chances are you either...

Used a remote like this before.
Or threw your arms in the air and gave up.
Or humbly admitted defeat and read the manual
Or found someone who had read a manual already.

Now I am not saying reading life's owners manual is going to make your life smooth sailing any more then reading a car's manual is going to keep you from braking down in the middle of nowhere.

You see, this is how it all comes together. God put us on the earth to bring glory to his name and for most of us we also have other responsibilities.

1 ) Educate your-self. You will need this later.

2) Grow up to be the kind of person that helps other for goodness sake and not for what you get back in return.

3) Get out there and make a difference. Get in the fight. Fight the good fight. When you are in your last days, will you be able to look back and know you did some good.

It is never too late to start. And start. And start again. And you can bet Satan will fight you every step of the way.

So will you be able to help and make a difference when the time comes. When you have to decide what to say or what to do, will you be able to ask your-self "what would Jesus do?


Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Sailboat (When I finish it)

Website is up and running

It has been three days and the site is getting about 15 people a day. Not bad for a new site.